Wageningen University poster template


Download here the package with an example .tex and .sty file to create a Wageningen University poster with LaTeX. 6 different layout options can be chosen.


Wageningen University presentation template

A template for Wageningen University beamer presentations can be found here.

Or download the empty presentation WUR_empty_presentation (Credits to Bart Vermeulen).

How to use the nomencl package with TexMaker in Windows?
The documentation of the nomencl package can be found here (pdf).
The basic structure to include the nomenclature in your document should look like this:


The nomenclature is made up using the following instructions:

1) Make a new text file and paste the following text in it and replace filename by the name of your tex file: makeindex.exe filename.nlo -s -o filename.nls
2) Save this file as filename.bat
3) Make sure that the file is in the same folder as your tex file
4) Build your tex file
5) Double click on the filename.bat file
6) Build your tex file again
7) Now the nomenclature should be up-to-date and visible in your pdf